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Web 2.0


Engage Learners with Web 2.0 Tools 

Web 2.0 tools allow students to create, share, and publish a variety of products. Learn to create interactive presentations using Jing, Nearpod, Prezi, and more. Create videos and avatars, blogs and wikis, or numerous other products. Have fun while meeting standards for the use of instructional technology in the classroom! (Lessons/Wrokshops for K -Adult)

Google Drive Products

Transform learning in your classroom through the use of Google products. Students learn to create documents, presentations, drawings and spreadsheets. Next, they learn how to share their work with the teacher and with classmates.  Teachers are excited with how Google in the classroom is changing their teaching. (Lessons/Wrokshops for Grades 3 -Adult)

Learn to search and cite reliable sources 

Use your library catalog to locate and cite books and websites. Explore your library's subscription databases to locate articles, transcripts, ebooks and other reference materials using search techniques that will make searching quick and easy. Learn how to cite sources using the databases, online citation creators, and your library catalog. (Lessons/Wrokshops for K -Adult)

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>



Research Tools


Do you struggle with finding materials that are just right for your students? Learn how to identify appropriate reading levels using subscription databases, the library catalog, and other online resources such as Newsela and Tween Tribune. Learn how to use's lexile analyzer to determine the lexile of text. (Adults)


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