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Knowldedgable & Approachable


"Instructor was knowledgable, approachable, helpful, kept the lab open two hours every Mon-Thurs and stood by to help with assignments. She understood the classes need to complete assignments on time, making adjustments in the schedule to accommodate."

Flexible, Helpful, Knowledgable - Good Example of a Teacher


"I learned so much in this class! The assignments were so helpful.  I have created a half dozen products that I will use one day in my library when I return. Trish graded assignments right away, and was more concerned that we understood and got things right, so we could use these tools in real life. She was flexible, helpful, knowledgable, a good example of a teacher and responsible user of technology. Did I mention she was flexible? You have a real gem here."

Purposeful, Respectful, Flexible Work Environment


"I liked the hands-on practical projects which clearly connect to my work in the library. Our instructor also created a purposeful, respectful, and flexible working environment. In addition to our scheduled meetings, she opened the computer lab for 1 hour each morning and 2 hours each afternoon to provide students with supported work time and individualized instruction. She was clearly prepared for each class meeting and graded our assignments quickly and thoroughly."




Genuine Love of Technology


"I felt the instructor had a genuine love of technology and was passing that on to the class."


Useful Tools


"Trish was a fantastic instructor that allowed us to learn through experience and was there to guide us. She gave us some very useful tools to take back and use in the library next year."




The following are comments were submitted by students at Central Washington University on the end of course evaluation.

Relevant Assignments


"Trish was more than willing to provide extra help and allow explorations of suggestions by students. She seemed to meet everyone on their current level to help them acquire enough information to meet the required skills and standards. She also made the assignments really useful, not just practice that we wouldn't continue to use outside of class."



"Trish was really well informed, interesting, fun, and fair. I thoroughly enjoyed her class and would recommend it to anyone. Very informative and fun!"

Excellent Instructor

"Trish did an excellent job of covering the material. She introduced me to many things in the internet world that were new to me. Trish was always kind and patient. She was always open to questions and always willing to help. I got the feeling from her that she wanted us all to be successful. Trish was an excellent instructor."




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